USDA Organic. Certified organic by quality assurance international. 108 SQ.FT. of grass, fresh air, and sunshine per hen. One dozen eggs. Eggs from hens that enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and the outdoors. CA SEFS compliant. US Mainland. NestFresh Eggs are the humane, sustainable alternative to regular eggs. Our Pasture Raised Organic Eggs come from family farms that provide 108 square feet of outdoor pasture per bird, so that each hen is free to enjoy fresh air, sunlight, and grass. These hens are also fed organic feed and follow all organic standards to reduce the presence of prohibited substances like harmful pesticides and GMOs on our farmland and food. We are committed to farming with a focus on animal welfare and environmental stewardship because it is good for the health of the hens, the land, and you. Grade A. For farm photos, recipes, and more from NestFresh , please visit us at For kosher questions, see Carton made from 100% recycled material. Certified Humane (Meets the Humane Farm Animal Care Program standards, which include nutritious diet without antibiotics, animals raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors). Raised & handled.